


- 'colonists (soon to come)



- 'nomadic studio'

'MUC161117-01' digital painting, 7500x8000px, 2017

'MUC161117-01' digital painting, 7500x8000 px, 2017

the 'nomadic studio' is an ever growing body of work consisting of digital paintings, which i started in early 2016. each painting is done on my 'nomadic studio', my ipad, by using the procreate app. i am no longer bound to a location and i do almost every day a painting, wherever i am. each digital painting results in an original digital file of high resolution.

you can recognize a painting of the 'nomadic studio' series by the title.
the title (XXXddmmyy-00) shows the international 3 letter code of the next airport, where the painting was made, followed by the date of production and, if it applies, the number of paintings on the same day.

you can browse through over 1000 digital paintings of the 'nomadic studio' series on instagram on my personal account kuros_nekouian

special feature: a digital painting of the 'nomadic studio' series could be exclusively yours!



- 'exploded drawings'

'exploded drawings'

the ’exploded drawings’ evolved from the previous project 'neon objects'. i had ordered another eight new neon objects, but then i saw the 41 separate elements spread out on my studio floor. it reminded me so much of an ’exploded drawing’ of a device in engineering, that i gave up the original idea to display the eight neon objects. instead i kept the elements separated and treated each as an equal individual element. i started to make site specific installations in changing constellations with these 41 neon elements.
the number of involved elements varies and individual elements can be part of different installations. the title of the installation will be continuously numbered and shows the year of the creation. the exploded_drawing.pdf includes a complete catalog of these neon elements.

download as exploded_drawings.pdf
or go to lw44_art_space, where i will post new constellations



- 'digital painting' (tapestries)

’digital painting‘ is a body of work comprising 82 genuine digital files created on an ipad by using procreate as a painting app. i tried to exhaust all possibilities the device and the software offer. painted on an ipad, with all the decisions you have to make in painting and yet ’unpainted’ for traditionalists, since the digital paintings are not part of the physical world. the next step is the transformation from the digital to the analog. in this case each digital painting will be converted into a weaveable file by using the program ’image j’. this resulting file is then woven as a large format tapestry on a computer controlled jacquard loom.


flanders tapestries. weaving the first test stripe on the jacquard loom


two examples of digital paintings as large format tapestries (2.35x1.94cm)
tapestries ’D_39’ & ’D_45’, ’rhythm & method’, galerie der künstler, munich 2015, photo © klaus mauz

now the digital painting can be touched. the tapestry has gained a very special surface quality by the transformation process, with embossed areas and the structures of the woven yarn and it shows a unique interweaving of colors.


'D_45' tapestry detail
'D_45' tapestry detail

an edition of traditionally manufactured tapestries from contemporary digital paintings. this project somehow closes the circle by using a digital device like the ipad to create tapestries on a jacquard loom. in basic the very same automized loom that inspired babbage to use binary keypunch cards on his early computer models, when he saw, how the jacquard loom, invented in 1804, used punch cards to control the interaction of warp and weft. you may say, that the computer is really a derivate of the jacquard loom.

download as jacquard_d_xx.pdf
or go to lw44_art_space, where i started to repost the digital paintings



- 'tagesbilder'

'tagesbilder' one year - every day - one digital b/w drawing. the project started in november 2005. the drawings will be printed on demand as fine art prints in an edition of 10 on hahnemuehle paper rag 308g, size 40x40 cm.


'020806', digital print on hahnemühle photo rag 308g, b/w, 40x40cm, edition 10, 2006
'020806', digital print on hahnemühle photo rag 308g, b/w, 40x40 cm, edition 10, 2006

download as tagesbilder.pdf (selection)
you can see all 365 drawings at - it uses flash!
or go to lw44_art_space, where i started to repost 'tagesbilder'